Since femanisim and gender will be themes discussed in Contemporary Art, the new book on Frida Kahlo by Judy Chicago should be interesting, to see if the viewpoints of a contemporary feminist artist will enhance our understanding of Kahlo and her work. Kahlo is not covered in your text, but she has gathered much interest in our time, particularly as a role model, etc. for women. She gained further notic among today's generation through the release of the film "Frida" in 2002. If you haven't seen the film, it is well worth seeing.
You can find out more in the information section of the Judy Chicago web site:
And more about Frida Kahlo at:
I looked at some of her art online and really like "Las Dos Fridas" with the two hearts visible and connected. I have not seen the movie but keep meaning to. I guess I'll add it to my Netflix queue.