Wednesday, September 27, 2017

In Praise of the Small Museum

Rose Art Museum

There is a tendency sometimes, maybe often, to overlook things in our own back yard, Even though only 30 miles away, this past weekend I finally visited the Rose Art Museum on the campus of Brandeis University in Waltham.

Sometimes museums are grand and overpowering, sometimes quirky. The Rose is small, and the architecture crisp and timeless. The setting on a wooded hillside makes it look like a white and glass box floating on the ground,. Once inside, it is easy to fantasize that you are not in a museum, but in the house of a sophisticated art collector.

Current exhibits include

This exhibit, with works drawn from the museum's collection, has the human body as its theme.

Immortal City by Kevork Mourad

Immortal City is an exhibition of new paintings by acclaimed Syrian-Armenian artist Kevork Mourad (b. Syria, 1970). The prominent work is a black and white, three dimensional drawing/painting resembling a stage set. The images evoke the cultural loss and destruction due to the war in Syria.

You can see more about the Rose and its exhibit schedule at:

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