Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Banksy Artwork Self Destructs

You have probably seen the news about the Banksy artwork that "self-destructed" immediately after it sold for over one million dollars at auction (If you haven't, you can read more here).

Image via Casterline Goodman Gallery / Instagram 

If you are not familiar with Banksy, he is an artist known for his art on walls, which often incorporates images or features of the surface to make political, satirical, or sometimes simply interesting commentary.

He chooses to remain anonymous (although this seems to be more difficult as time passes, and various outlets believe they have outed him).

Is it art? Theater? A publicity stunt? My opinion: A combination of the three.

The auction gallery claims they did not know about this in advance (a rather dubious claim), and now the discussion is whether the art's value has been harmed or escalated as the result of this shredding.

Thoughts? Is this a serious commentary on art and commerce, or simply more fodder for the "contemporary art is a bunch of idiots" crowd?

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