Saturday, November 24, 2012

Understanding Contemporary Art

Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Andover Academy, Andover MA.

Google their site.
A private and Museum collection of art works by Contemporary Arists, that were completed in the 20's and 30's.

Painting and sculpture dominate the exhibit, that will be in Andover through mid-winter 2013.

Worth the drive  to" understand"  what, how Contemporary Art  flourished in these United States.

Admission is FREE.  Site will give hours,directions.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Controversial Site-Specific Art

 You may find the following information interesting.

Link: The Artwork That Infuriated Big Coal

Academic and artistic freedom, Wyoming-style.

By Michelle Nijhuis
Posted Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012, at 2:39 PM ET
What is your opinion, comment, suggestion.....enjoy.

October Endings

October 2012 will be remembered  for its extrodinary ending.  Hoping that all 'managed' Sandy, to the best of their ability.

Thank you to those students that are particpating, for extra credit, for your Blog entries.  These Blog entries, give to me , a different  approach to assessing Contemporary Art.


November 1, 2012 through March 31,2013...Worcester Art Museum...Jill Slosburg-Ackerman, In Rome.
'An immersive drawing project that occupies floor and wall, is composed of hundreda of elements grouped into visual eposides which invite both detailed and leisurely exploration.'
Artist Talk...February 10,2013 2 pm.
Drawing Marathon ...February 17 through March 3, 2013.

Entertain yourself....a good addition to understanding the WHYS of Contemporary Art.
(October 22, 2012 the New Yorker Magazine, page 84  , Challenging Work.)

Last, but worth the trip to your local Library...New York Times ,Sunday Special Edition, October 28,2012.    FINE ARTS AND EXHIBITS  section.
Look at what the art world is offering to all....simply looking gives one the opportunity to understand, see and appreciate the visual and performing arts, and , offers inspiration to think of what can be.

Each day is a reward.  Enjoy and do your best.  Thank you.